Vision Cloud Telephone Service

Dear Customer:

Thank you for choosing Vision CTS, LLC and/or any of its affiliates as your service provider. As you are aware, you may continue to use your existing toll-free number(s) with Vision CTS toll-free (8xx) service. In order to transition your current toll-free number(s) to Vision CTS, Vision CTS must work with your previous service provider to ensure that your service is uninterrupted, and where applicable, to ensure that your number(s) are transferred. Your prior service provider requires this letter as proof that you have explicitly authorized and requested that your service and current toll-free number(s) be transferred to another service provider. By filling in all the information requested below and signing and dating this letter, you provide us with the authorization to initiate the process of transferring your service and toll-free number(s) to Vision CTS. You will then be able to use your old number(s) with your new Vision CTS toll-free (8xx) service. Please ensure the following information is completed accurately which will help prevent possible delays.

Company Name:*

(Note that all telephone numbers listed below must be associated with this Company Name)

Contact Name:*
Contact Phone:*
Contact Email:*
Current Service Provider:*

If you wish to select Vision CTS for the toll-free number(s) listed on this form, you will need to select the checkbox on the line below:

I select Vision CTS as the Service Provider for the toll-free number(s) listed below.

BTN (Billing Telephone Number):*

For All Ported Numbers

Billing Address:


Service Address:
Same as billing address.


Number Begin
Number End
Customer Requested
Port Date
* * *

By clicking the submit button below, I designate Vision CTS, LLC or its designated agent to transfer my toll-free (8xx) service from my current provider to Vision CTS. By signing below, I also authorize Vision CTS, LLC or its designated agent to transfer my current toll-free number(s) used to provide service so that Vision CTS may provide its service to me. By signing below, I also authorize Vision CTS, LLC or its designated agent to obtain billing information, customer service records, and other network information required to provide me with Vision CTS, LLC service. I understand that I may consult with Vision CTS, LLC as to whether a fee will apply to the change.

Please click only once.

Copyright © 2020 · All Rights Reserved · Vision CTS does not sell or market your information to any third-party companies or organizations.